Saw the DoubleDown for the first time awhile back and decided I needed what was essentially Nerf's answer to the SNAP

So I bought one.

It's a little bigger than I thought it would be, but my hands still manage to make it look tiny.

First things first, take the 6 screws out of the left side of the handle

Then, pry the left side of the handle off, take a moment to appreciate the simple catch system

then separate the handle from the body of the blaster, leaving you with this

Quick note here, the very front of the barrels comes off with a single screw, but it doesn't do anything useful

Continuing on, remove the 4 screws from the rear of the plungertube and remove the plunger assembly from the plungertube

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the plungerhead.

Inside the plungerhead is a square recess where the plungerrod sits when screwed on via the screw in the front of the plungerhead.

What I ended up cutting out of the catch ring, although you can actually skip this and still be able to use the o-ring wall as a catch, just hold the trigger down longer to shoot well.

Teflon tape under the o-ring for a better seal.

How my plunger cap looks cut down.
For this first part of the mod, which I'm still working on getting decent pictures of since my camera died partway through, I cut down the 2 prongs on the end cap seen in the pictures above. This allows the plungerhead to be pulled farther back and giving us longer draw. This is actually unnecessary, but I also cut the bottom of the catch ring on the plungerhead down so that it won't catch until the back ridge that holds the o-ring, but you can actually pull it back all the way without cutting down anything. Using the original catch notch, I get about 1.5" of draw; using the farther notch, I'm getting about 2.25" of draw Not a huge increase, and not much of a performance boost stock, but with a stronger spring and new barrels that .75" increase will be quite handy.
Now, this will be a multi-part guide as I'm currently swamped with school work and actual work, and I don't have many of my tools here, but I'll work with what I got at the pace that I can. I do plan on going as far as I can with the DoubleDown, and I figure a single topic that I continue to add to is better than several post, so I'll just edit this whenever I do something new to it.
DoubleDown Facts
Uses a "smart AR" system, firing the right barrel first then the left
Tested with a single dart in alternate barrels, the right barrel shoots harder
The handle is actually pretty comfy for me, even though it's small, and I can see it perhaps used as a springer homemade handle for those who don't want 3D printed
The barrel end, while being essentially useless, could be useful for a barrel space/breach "handle" for longer barrels or a possible airgun conversion(thinking about it)
The pull handle on the plungerrod is a good deal sturdier than the NiteFinder, which is the only similar handle I know of.
Seeing as there isn't much holding the body of the blaster to the handle, reinforcement seems like a must for stronger springs.
If you have suggestions for mods to this, feel free to comment.
Edit: More pics of the plungerhead