Please refrain from all forms of cursing.
Don't bump threads that are over 5-7 weeks old. This kind of activity is very annoying to MODs, so always check the date when the thread was posted.
No double-posting. If you have something to add to your post, then edit it. (In trading threads, a bump is allowed every 2 days, limited to 5 bumps)
No flaming, political discussion, trolling, spamming or insulting. That should go with out saying hopefully.
Don't create multiple accounts. Creation of multiple accounts will result in deletion of all accounts, your IPs can be tracked so don't think you can get away with it.
No posting pointless threads
Nothing sexually oriented.
We will give you warnings but if you go over the line your account will be suspended for up to 15-30 days. There are things that go without saying so please use common sense!
No Excessive smilies.
Please, do not backseat moderate. The M/A team can do their own job, as we have access to a ban and lock button, and you don't.
Home Of Foam is a place to learn, have fun, and be safe.
If me, Zero, or Tech use this .gif, you did something wrong.