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Concept Thread

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June 14, 2019, 11:35:18 pm Zero96 says: Still alive I see my bros
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November 29, 2018, 01:29:12 pm Techshooter says: @Lein, I am at Univeristy. I'm an electrical engineering major at Rochester Institute of Technology
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March 22, 2018, 11:06:05 pm Techshooter says: Hey I looked at this!
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The Human Pooper Scooper.
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« Reply #75 on: February 18, 2012, 09:46:33 pm »

Personally, I like the vertical pump handles a bit better, but my quad's rather comfy. I would suggest putting SOMETHING on the pumpgrip, I think that PVC is jsut a bit too slippery to be used as is. Also, why not just go for the S&G aspect and make it a bullpump design? KTM made a very beautiful one a long time ago.

I agree, PVC is way too slippery normally. I want to use clear PVC, so I will sand it down on the pump grip. I was actually considering a bulpup design when I was designing it, but I relised that making it bullpup would actually make it longer if I wanted it to be confortable. Unless by bulpump you mean what Kane made, that would make it shorter. I considered that, too in the design, but it would make reloading uncomfortable (if I used CS clips), but building it would be easier. Do you have a link to what KTM made, I'm curious.

Also, as an update to the design, I'm changing up the handle a little bit. Expect a new CAD picture up.
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« Reply #76 on: February 18, 2012, 11:03:37 pm »

Yeah, KaneTheMediore's bullpump.

The clip and the plunger tube wouldn't be aligned on ANY planes if you want the clips to lay perfectly vertically. BUT, Wes's bolt-action clipfed rfile had it coming out the side, just like a Raider. I can't find it right now, but it's in NHaven's homemades thread.
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« Reply #77 on: February 19, 2012, 01:41:58 pm »

Personally, I like the vertical pump handles a bit better, but my quad's rather comfy. I would suggest putting SOMETHING on the pumpgrip, I think that PVC is jsut a bit too slippery to be used as is. Also, why not just go for the S&G aspect and make it a bullpump design? KTM made a very beautiful one a long time ago.

I agree, PVC is way too slippery normally. I want to use clear PVC, so I will sand it down on the pump grip.
Or you could use Athletic Tape (the stuff that hockey players put on the handles of their sticks (giggity)), I've used it on nerf guns and there's a LOT of stuff it does
-Absorbs sweat (kinda)
-Feels nice
-Grooved so you can hold onto it better
-Will stick to just about ANY surface
Hope this helps Grin
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« Reply #78 on: February 20, 2012, 09:54:35 am »

Found Wes's clipfed bolt rifle. http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3861&view=findpost&p=300150 (Original Post)

I so want to make one of these things.
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The Human Pooper Scooper.
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« Reply #79 on: February 20, 2012, 11:21:10 am »

^Holy crap that thing is cool!!!

I redid some of my CAD work on the HoFblast. I redid the handle, sideplates, and trigger. I still need to put in the holes for screw ports, and then I'll have my templates up.

The handle is more comfy, and it has handle plates that are larger than normal ones, so that it can be rounded with the belt sander. This week is my winter break, so I will be doing a lot of work on the CAD for this.
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« Reply #80 on: February 20, 2012, 12:07:00 pm »

Yeah, Wes's best work was right before he went off the map.
That's some fast designing. That was what, a week?
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The Human Pooper Scooper.
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« Reply #81 on: February 20, 2012, 02:33:51 pm »

Ya, CAD took me right about a week, but I was thinking about the design in my head for much longer. I don't know when I'll get around to making it, because my plusbow is #1 on my list of things to do after I get money.
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People have been banding NFs and TTG forever.
... Tech... You do know that banding a animal is getting rid of the balls right?
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« Reply #82 on: February 25, 2012, 07:33:18 pm »

I keep trying to utilize my xploderz to figure out catches on the way to a full homemade. I finally tried the plunger next to the recon. It looks like it will just fit.

Here's the thing. I have been wanting to try a "Sancho Panza" style blaster like Beaver did. Where the plunger fires back (towards your shoulder) instead of forwards. You have to re-route the air up over the shell, increasing deadspace. But you get the wye much further back and you get the barrel supported alot of the way down. It's alot shorter overall too. This plunger has so much volume I think it's a good candidate for a try.

I think I can get it to prime the way it is now even with the plunger running into the longshot barrel. I'll cut the regular handle off the xploderz priming rod. And then add a priming bar  inside the end of the plunger tube and a slot through the longshot thing.  It's just a matter of if it'll fit and line up.  I've always wanted to prime with that stampede foregrip. I'm going to try to add a ramp and spring inside the foregrip so you can move it back after priming so it doesn't fly towards your face! Lol.

I just have to do the catch. Which will be the first homemade design for me. It seems like a lot of different things to try on one blaster but I hope it'll be fun. Anyways, it might be something to do with this damn recon and xploderz whatever.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 03:19:46 am by iamthatcat » Report Spam   Logged

The Human Pooper Scooper.
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« Reply #83 on: February 26, 2012, 09:23:24 am »

That thing is awsome, iamthatcat! Have you thought about using a Reconbow catch for it? It's basically a plusbow catch in a Recon shell.
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People have been banding NFs and TTG forever.
... Tech... You do know that banding a animal is getting rid of the balls right?
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« Reply #84 on: February 26, 2012, 10:11:41 pm »

Yup I have seen it a few times! Unreal blaster. I may do mine very much like that if I can. That page makes me feel like I have dial-up internet. It's still loading! Lol.
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« Reply #85 on: March 13, 2012, 02:24:45 pm »

I keep getting sidetracked, but I think my skill and parts inventory is now at the level where I can try this:

I wanna do a really high volume air gun and a powerful springer stacked in the same shell. Dunno if I want the springer on top or not yet. The idea is to have multiple ammo types for the airgun. Balls, rockets, arrows, the whole schmear. I'm sure this has been done before but I think I can really shrink it and get it firing really fun ammo. Oh and 2 jolts and an sspb cluster thrown in for close range & panic shots.

Then when I get to Nerf Doctor's skill & knowledge levels, I wanna try it 100% homemade with the air stuff running off a single pump.
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Nerf Doctor
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« Reply #86 on: March 13, 2012, 03:58:01 pm »

^Thanks! It's nice hearing it called 'skill and knowledge' rather than just 'useless stuff' that people at school like to call it, but they just don't understand it is all. As far as knowledge, it just takes having the supplies and tools, and then being able to experiment to find what works. It also takes being really bored in pre-calculus(and realizing it would have been less boring, if more work, to have gone on to calculus) to give me the time needed to think up stuff.

As far as thinking up stuff, some ideas for thought:
With absolvers, I figured up that, to keep the hexagonal formation, the next highest numbers of barrels for one would be 37, and then 62. Each one of these is just under the number of the previous ones, meaning it would take roughly double the volume of air of each to fire the next one up effectively. This is where my second ideas come in.

My current EPVAT consists of 2" fittings, giving me an internal volume of around 9.425 ci. If I were to use 3" fittings, and make one around the same length, that would give me 2.625 times the volume, at 24.740ci. Even more impresive, with 4" fittings, and the same length, I would get 4.667 time the volume of the 2", at 43.982ci. 

Not only would this be insanely huge, the sheer expulsion of that air at around 50 psi would be like sticking a ball valve on a fire extinguisher and using it. I suddenly have a hankering to go buy some PVC.....(:
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Edit #3: I spelled the name wrong, so for about 10 minutes, our website logo was "Hoe of Foam".
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« Reply #87 on: March 14, 2012, 09:39:28 pm »

That would be NUTS! What do you think that would do with a Vortex mini football? That's the holy grail for me.

37 barrels sounds like a doable setup! Mayhem with shotgun loads!! I do have a 7 barrel one that fires 27 darts and makes a nice sound on concrete. 100+ would sound like a thunderstorm!!

BTW I am trying a combo of a CPVC threaded  female coupler on the blaster and a Conduit male coupler on my absolver. CPVC has great durable threads! There's a rubber washer in the back of the female and the conduit is airtight when tightened. Something I haven't been able to achieve with PVC. I had to really cherry-pick through the bins to find ones with threads that worked well.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 09:44:22 pm by iamthatcat » Report Spam   Logged

Nerf Doctor
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« Reply #88 on: March 15, 2012, 04:25:19 pm »

The Vortex footballs are actually on my list of stuff to do. I'll probably use my solenoid valve with them though, to get higher airflow than then 1/2" fittings I'm currently using.

With enough CPVC, anything is possible.

I usually use female fittings on my attachments, and male for my blaster. That way, with absolvers, the reducer bushing screws right on the blaster.
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Edit #3: I spelled the name wrong, so for about 10 minutes, our website logo was "Hoe of Foam".
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« Reply #89 on: March 15, 2012, 08:54:51 pm »

"I usually use female fittings on my attachments, and male for my blaster. That way, with absolvers, the reducer bushing screws right on the blaster."

Ahhh I see.. I need to go back to Home Depot! Lol.

Edit : Just tried it your way with 3/4" fittings and the male end is a great match to the Big Blast tank's stub. Thanks! I am glad you responded as I'll likely glue it up tonight.

Ok so for my next trick.. How about an absolved set of inline clips? 4 lengths of PVC look like they'll fit into a 1 1/2 endcap. Should be able to do some sort of breech on each barrel. With enough air output it should push multiple darts out the front. Might be fun to have a longer range shotgun. This is for lulz not wars. Dunno how folks would feel about getting peppered at 100'! Lol.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 09:46:11 pm by iamthatcat » Report Spam   Logged

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